While in my first year of college I developed SodaScan. The initial purpose of the company was to enable users to scan products from an Augmented Reality poster in their living room.
We worked closely with Metaio, before it was acquired by Apple, in order to develop the UX and AR designs for the app, which was launched in 2017. This gave me initial exposure into the AR industry, where I got my hands on the initial Hololens, attended AWE, and met with interesting companies like Meta (startup).
We were a bit early in our execution for AR, and our product was not great. Our strategy was to franchise the app so others could create a SodaScan experience in their community. Nevertheless, the App, which still runs to this day, as Cinch, focuses primarily on same day delivery of Heavy-Bulky items, which we sourced from Costco. The App was recently acquired for a small sum by National Retail Solutions.